2024工作證申請需知Work Permit Application Regulations(僑外生Overseas students and International Students)

2024工作證申請需知Work Permit Application Regulations(僑外生Overseas students and International Students)


工作證Work Permit(僑外生Overseas students and International Students)

一、申請需知Application Regulations:

  • 外國學生在台就學期間,如需要有工讀或實習(包含無薪實習及無酬提供勞務),應依規定辦理申請工作許可後,才可合法工作。

International student studying in Taiwan who need to engage in part-time work or internships (including unpaid internships and volunteer work) must apply for a work permit according to regulations before they can legally work.

  • 工作許可期間最長為6個月。於上學期(秋季期)申請者,工作許可證之期限至次學期3月31日止;於下學期(春季期)申請者工作許可證期限至同年的9月30日。

The maximum duration of a work permit is 6 months. For those applying in the first semester (fall semester), the work permit is valid until March 31 of the following semester. For those applying in the second semester (spring semester), the work permit is valid until September 30 of the same year.

  • 除寒暑假外,外國學生每週最長工作時數為20小時。

Except during winter and summer vacations, international students are allowed to work a maximum of 20 hours per week.

  • 若未依前述規定者,勞動部得依就業服務法廢止其工作許可。若非法工作(未依規定申請工作許可,即受聘雇為他人工作者),將會處新臺幣30,000以上至150,000元以下之罰鍰。

If these regulations are not followed, the Ministry of Labor may revoke the work permit in accordance with the Employment Service Act. If found working illegally (employed without applying for a work permit), a fine ranging from NT$30,000 to NT$150,000 will be imposed.

  • 來台就讀正式學制之外國學生,領有有效之居留證始能申請工作證。

International students enrolled in formal academic programs in Taiwan must possess a valid residence permit to apply for a work permit.

二、申請流程Application Process:

  • 請至外國專業人員工作許可申辦網註冊帳號,相關申請操作流程請參考操作手冊。

Please register an account on the Foreign Professionals Work Permit Application System. For the relevant application operation process, please refer to the brochure.

  • 申請費用新台幣100元。

The application fee is NT$100.

(三)繳費方式如下Payment methods are as follows:

  1. 郵政劃撥,劃撥戶名:勞動部勞動力發展署聘僱許可收費專戶,劃撥帳號:19058848。

Payment by post office: Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor, employment permit fee account. Remittance account number: 19058848.

  1. ATM繳費,於申請案件之繳費方式點選ATM繳費,於提交申請由系統提供轉帳號碼。

ATM payment: Select ATM payment method in the payment options of the application case, and a transfer account number will be provided by the system upon submission of the application.

三、申請時間Processing Time:


Approximately 7 to 10 working days (excluding holidays); it is recommended to submit the application at least 20 days in advance.


Work Permit Website QR-Code
