112 學年度第2學期赴海外交換學生第 2 梯次甄選公告 Second Selection of Overseas Exchange Students

112 學年度第2學期赴海外交換學生第 2 梯次甄選公告 Second Selection of Overseas Exchange Students

主旨:112學年度第2學期本校至德國 、 西班牙 、 墨西哥 等 海外姊妹校 交換學生甄選事宜。
Selection of exchange students to attend overseas sister schools in Germany, Spain and Mexico during the 2nd semester of the academic year 2023.

For students who are interested in applying, please refer to the brochure (Appendix 1~5).

To become eligible, four-year students should complete two years of study, and two-year students and graduate students one year of study. Same for daytime and evening students.

3 、 請備齊申請文件後,於 截止日期民國 1 1 2 年 10 月 13 日( 五 下 午 1 7 :00 前 ,將報名資料擲交國際暨兩岸合作處學術交流組,以利後續作業。
Please submit the application to the Academic Exchange Section of ICSC before 17:00 on 13th Oct. 2023 (Friday).

4、因 Covid 1 9 疫情發展難以預料,且涉及自身安全暨權益,籲請同學務必與家人充分溝通後,謹慎審評估出國之必要性。赴海外研修相關規範 仍應依中央流行疫情指揮中心及教育部之 最新公告 辦理。
Due to the unpredictable development of the COVID 19 pandemic, students should communicate with families about their wishes to study abroad and assess the safety risk and necessities. Regulations of overseas training/studying are handled and governed according to the latest announcement of the Ministry of Education and the Central Epidemic Command Center.

5、因應國際Covid 1 9 疫情 趨勢 ,將優先考量選送已完成疫苗施打之學生。其獲入學資格之學生須遵守申請國家之 疫苗施打及入境規範 。
The school will give priority to students who are fully vaccinated. Selected students are required to observe the vaccination requirements and entry regulations from the countries of host universities.