Scholarships, Tuition, & Fees
Scholarships, Tuition, & Fees

Scholarships for Overseas Chinese Students and Foreign Students of Chaoyang University of Technology Guideline and Rules

第一條 為吸引優秀海外華裔學生暨外國學生就讀本校,訂定「朝陽科技大學海外華裔學生暨外國學生獎助學金設置辦法」(以下簡稱本辦法)。
In order to attract outstanding overseas Chinese students and foreign students to study in this school, the “Chaoyang University of Technology Overseas Chinese Students and Foreign Students Scholarship Guideline and Rules” was written.
第二條 本辦法所稱海外華裔學生係指就讀本校之僑生及港澳學生;僑生身分認定由僑務主管機關為之,港澳學生身分審查由中央主管教育行政機關為之。
The overseas Chinese students mentioned in the guidelines refer to overseas Chinese students and students from Hong Kong and Macao; the identity of overseas Chinese students shall be determined by the competent authority for overseas Chinese affairs, and the examination of the identity of Hong Kong and Macao students shall be conducted by the Central Education Administration Authority.

The definition of foreign students is regulated by Articles 2 and 3 of the guideline for Foreign Students to Study in Taiwan by the Ministry of Education. This guideline does not include exchange students and foreign students enrolled in special classes of the university.

第三條 本辦法之海外華裔學生暨外國學生獎助學金(以下簡稱本獎助學金),區分新生入學獎助學金及在學期間獎助學金兩類。獎助金額為每名學生學期應繳之學雜費半額或全額。
The overseas scholarships and bursaries for overseas Chinese students and foreign students (hereinafter referred to as the bursaries ) of the guidelines are divided into two types: freshman admission bursaries and bursaries during the semester. The amount of the scholarship is half or full of the tuition and fees for each semester.

第四條 本獎助學金所需經費由本校編列預算、校外提供之專款或補助款支付。
The funding required for this scholarship is paid by the school's budget, special funds or grants provided outside the school.

第五條 新生入學獎助學金於入學申請時一併提出;在學期間獎助學金由教務處註冊組於教師繳交成績截止日兩週內,提供學生操行及學業成績由國際暨兩岸合作處檢核。
Freshman admission scholarships are submitted together with the application for admission; during the semester, the scholarships are provided by the Registration Office of the Academic Affairs Office within two weeks of the deadline for submission of results by the teachers.
The upper limit of this scholarship is 8 semesters for bachelor's class; 4 semesters for master's class; 8 semesters for doctoral class.

第六條 本獎助學金依本校「海外華裔學生暨外國學生獎助學金申請及審查基準」審查,經本校學術交流與合作委員會審議通過,校長核定後辦理。    
This scholarship is reviewed in accordance with the "Criteria for the Application and Examination of Scholarships for Overseas Chinese Students and Foreign Students" by the University, and is reviewed and approved by the University's Academic Exchange and Cooperation Committee, and approved by the president.
The aforementioned paragraph of our school's "Overseas Chinese and Foreign Student Scholarship Application and Examination Criteria" is separately set.

第七條  申請條件及獎助標準Application Conditions and Award Criteria::
一、 第一學期姊妹校學生依兩校簽訂之合約為原則,其他學生以其前ㄧ學制在校操行及歷年成績,依本校「海外華裔學生暨外國學生獎助學金申請及審查基準」評定獎助學金金額。
In the first semester, the students of the sister school are based on the contract signed by the two schools. Other students use their previous academic system and their academic performance in the past years to evaluate the amount of the scholarship according to the “Overseas Chinese Student and Foreign Student Scholarship Application and Review Criteria”.
二、 在學期間獎助學金,以前一學期操行及學期學業成績,依本校「海外華裔學生暨外國學生獎助學金申請及審查基準」評定獎助學金金額。
During the semester, the scholarships, conduct and academic results of the previous semester will be evaluated according to the "Overseas Chinese and Foreign Student Scholarship Application and Examination Criteria".
三、 如有特殊情形,得視學生之學術表現、經濟能力及其他表現,經本校學術交流與合作委員會審查通過陳校長核定後,由本校編列之預算補助。
Under special circumstances, depending on the academic performance, financial ability and other performance of the students, the budget subsidies prepared by the school will be approved by the school's Academic Exchange and Cooperation Committee after being approved by President Chen.
Those who receive the “Special Scholarship” from the Ministry of Education, scholarships from other government agencies, or full scholarships from other institutions outside the school are not applicable.

第八條  本辦法經行政會議通過,校長核定後實施,修正時亦同。These guidelines have been approved by the Executive Council and implemented after being approved by the president. The same applies to amendments.

學雜費收費說明Tuition and Fees
Please refer to the Fees and Charges for Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees Regulations.

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